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The International 2017 prize pool shatters TI6 record

The International 2017 prize pool has now officially broken the TI6 record - currently standing at $20, 772, 353 with 32 days still left for fans to contribute much more to the last total.

Because of the Dota 2 community’s contributions and the majority recently the Battle Level Bundle released on May 4th, the TI7 prize pool is now the biggest single award for the esports event. At 15 : 00 CEST, on July 12, The International 2017 prize pool has reached $20, 772, 353. The community has contributed a staggering 1198. 27% total increase.

If we take away the $1, 600, 000 Valve chipped in, we’re left with more than $19, 172, 353 raised from the community. However, only 25% from the proceeds of each and every Battle Pass sale is added as much as the TI7 prize pool. Therefore, the Dota 2 community has actually spent over $76 million on TI7 Battle Passes and levels.

The TI7 prize pool tracker provides real-time hourly and daily comparison graphs. This year’s prize has gradually grown with a faster pace than last year’s fund.

Along with dwarfing most esports tournaments prize funds, last year'sTI6 prize pool had even surpassed the prizes of well-known traditional sporting events, such like the Cricket World Cup, The Super Bowl, the NBA Finals, among others. Last year it was eventually estimated the ‪‎esports‬ market was expected to pass the $1 billion mark in 2017. ‪‎Dota2‬’s contribution towards the market size is undeniable and continues to destroy expectations.

The International 2017

The International 2017 will require place at KeyArena, Seattle Washington. Eighteen teams from worldwide will compete starting August 2nd inside the group stage. Sixteen teams will advance to the most event scheduled to bring place August 7-12th. The regining champions from TI6, Wings Gaming won‘t get on hand to defend their title, leaving the Aegis of Champions to become claimed by a brand new team.

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